Baby rabbits saved from danger thank rescuers by forming a ‘heart’

It’s an amazing thing to rescue an animal. They always seem to know that you saved them and gave them a new life, and can find ways to show their appreciation. That’s what one story shows as a group of bunnies found an incredible and adorable way to show some love to their rescuers.

Recently a woman spotted a group of boys carrying a bag, which she realized contained three orphaned baby rabbits. She overheard them talking about hurting the rabbits, and stepped in to intervene.
She took the rabbits away, and put them in the care of the RSPCA. Luckily, all the bunnies were safe and sound. “The kits are about 4 weeks old and are eating and drinking well so I’m hopeful that they will survive and be able to be released back into the wild soon,” RSPCA inspector Krissy Raine said in a press release, according to The Dodo. 

 Then, something incredible happened: the little bunnies seemed to show them a sign, cuddling together in the shape of a heart:

It’s as if the bunnies knew they were safe from danger, and found a way to thank the rescuers for saving their lives. We hope these bunnies get to return to the wild soon!


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