A Bobcat Family Enters A Woman’s Front Yard A Month Later, They Refuse To Go

Three bobcats were photographed napping on a front porch, and the incident is obviously taking place in Arizona. 

Kate Smith, a resident of Mesa, tweeted the image on Twitter on Friday, and it has now received thousands of views. 

Smith claimed that the image did not fully convey the situation. Smith stated over the phone that these men had been present for a month. The cubs have been here for a while, but I’ve been informed they should leave as soon as they are mature enough to hunt on their own. 

In response to Smith’s request for assistance, the Arizona Game and Fish Department informed her that bobcat relocation frequently results in the animals’ deaths. 

Smith stated, “The reason they told me was that they usually don’t survive if you move them out of their territory. So I replied, ‘Well, forget it. They are territorial, therefore they typically won’t survive if you drop them in a place they are unfamiliar with. 

Since moving into her home 24 years ago, west of Usery Mountain Regional Park, Smith has only had one other contact with a bobcat, which occurred about three years ago. That meeting barely lasted a day or two since the bobcat needed medical attention due to its wounds.
Photos Credit: Kate Smith 

According to the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s website, bobcats rarely attack people unless they are rabid or particularly hostile. She has nevertheless taken steps to keep as much foot traffic away from her front door as possible because of the bobcat family. 

For delivery folks, I have a sign out in the driveway asking them not to enter our courtyard, Smith added. “Nobody from the family or neighbors has ever come to the front door. At this point, our dog is restrained.”

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